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电话: 0574-63246377
姓名: 周小姐
Ningbo Singer Appliance Co.,Ltd

  Ningbo Singer Appliance Co., Ltd. is one of the leading kitchen manufacturers specialized in producing stick blenders and glass kettles.   Our company is located in Cixi, Ningbo city, which is in developed Yangtze River Delta Zone. It is about 200kms away from shanghai port, and only 80kms away from Ningbo port. This advantageous geography speed up the shipping time.   We seek to be recognized as a technically advanced, sustainable appliance company, providing security and reward to all p

主要产品/业务: glass kettle and handle stick blender

Ningbo Singer Appliance Co.,Ltd / 浙江 / 浙江宁波 (315000) / 电话:0574-63246377

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